Wordle Game: How To Play and All You Need To Know

What is Wordle?

It's a free game in which you have six chances to deduce a five-letter word. Every day, there is a single word that is the same for everyone. Every day at midnight, a new puzzle is released.

The letters will turn green, yellow, or grey each time you guess a word, indicating if it is in the correct position. Green indicates that the letter is in the correct position, yellow indicates that the letter appears elsewhere in the word but not in the present location, and grey indicates that the letter does not appear anywhere in the word.

You'll get only six chances to guess the correct five-letter word of the day. This is why you see those social media posts as they visually showcase how a particular Wordle player solved that day's puzzle.

Where you get to play it?

The game may be downloaded for free at https://t.co/ymJQl8vdSq. The original Wordle is only accessible through a web browser at this time.

Who designed it?

Josh Wardle, a Brooklyn-based software engineer, designed the game for his fiancée, who enjoys word games, and then brought it to his friends and family, who were infatuated with it as well.

Where do you post your results?

If you want to share your result on Twitter, take careful not to include any spoilers. Hints or clues can ruin the puzzle for someone else because everyone has the same word.


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