How You Can Retire At 45: Road to Financial Freedom

Many people fantasize of retiring early, but retiring at 45 or earlier requires discipline. Long before you retire, you'll need to save diligently, invest intelligently, and live frugally. You can't afford to live your life continually in pursuit of money when you can make money work for you. The road to financial freedom begins with these simple steps;

1. Create time for side hustle

What if your present organization goes bankrupt? You sure wouldn't want to be caught up in that mess and go about looking for job. A lot of folks work their asses in government establishments running errands for the state all their lives and they remain empty. No new skills, nothing. Don't be too busy as not to create a side hustle. Watch it grow steadily and be persistent.

2. Invest In Online Work

You might not have the big cash to become an Angel Investor, however, you can start by employing people to work on a blog or YouTube channel, where you can direct how you want it to run. In your 20s and 30s, you should already figure out the niche you want to focus on. The dollars will not come immediately, but it will matter subsequently.

3. If you're not disciplined with time, time becomes a burden and not an asset. Do you know that at your leisure time, you can begin to write E-books? E-books are often not huge. It can be about "how to" or "10 Tips". Imagine having 10 ebooks in a year at $2 per download. 

Assuming you have 100 people download one, do the maths if 100 people were to download 10 copies. And that's just within a year. If you published on Amazon Kindle for instance, it is going to be a continuous pool of money. 

If you can't write, get Freelancers. Get in touch with a Ghostwriting platform that can help you do the job while you get busy with other things. 

4. Invest In New Technologies

Have you heard of NFTs? Do you know what the Metaverse can bring in terms of mouthwatering business opportunities. Oh my! If you are aware of the huge business potentials by new technologies, you can make the First Mover advantage and make it big. New softwares, new opportunities are coming big through the Metaverse and you shouldn't slack. 

5. Invest In Stocks

If your savings target is out of reach, start spending less especially on luxury items. Investment in stocks, say for instance, S&P 500 or viable high potential companies can give you the much desired financial independence and freedom when you're retiring at 45. 

Therefore, don't get used to the present routine of life. Breakaway from the norms and start planning ahead. By 45, you can start traveling round the world and visit your most preferred holiday destination even as you help others too. 


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