Return of UHF2: as AI Yankovic gives hint on new sequel

Weird AI Yankovic dropped a hint about making a movie and fans are already hyping the return of UHF2. Since 1989, fans have been begging for a sequel. The master of parody, on the other hand, does not want people waiting for a sequel.

"So.... I'm making a movie," he wrote on his Twitter handle.

Given the film's dismal box office result when Weird Al Yankovic's UHF was released, the thought of a sequel seemed absurd. Is there a chance we'll see UHF 2 now that the film has become a cult favorite? While some fans may hope that the answer is "yes," the film's creator and actor is dishing up a sizzling platter of disappointment.

Yankovic in 2014, sat down with Yahoo to discuss the film's legacy, and near the end of the conversation, the concept of a sequel was offered to the famous comic singer/songwriter. But, while Yankovic has pleasant recollections of the production and the film itself, it turns out that the idea for UHF 2 isn't one he is very enthusiastic about. According to the artist.

It might be terrific news, but pointless sequels are among of Hollywood's worst films, and if there's no true creative drive behind it, you don't want UHF 2 to tarnish the legacy of UHF. That again, Al Yankovic film's meta humor was years ahead of its time, and a sequel with the same spirit set in the internet age might be incredibly amazing.


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