The Fight For Wordle Game App

App cloning sucks - yeah, talk about soaking all the energy in producing something, yet another person takes away your game by producing the same thing because yours isn't "trademarked". Wordle was invented by Josh Wardle, but the Game has now been placed on IOS and the cloner seems to be getting it to the tops of game download.

Zachary Shakked launched his own "free-to-play" version of the game on the Apple App Store, branded "Wordle — The App," and skinned it to look like the original free version available online.

The Wordle App original creator made this game for his wife and promised not to steal or monetize people's data, but that's just exactly what the thief wants to do.

Andy Baio takes it more personally by stating that Zach, the unmoved Cloner "shamelessly cloned Wordle (name and all) as an F2P iOS game with in-app purchases and is bragging about how well it's doing and how he'll get away with it because Josh Wardle didn't trademark it. 

There have been games with comparable concepts since at least the 19th century — the 1980s game show Lingo was far from the first — but this person stole the name and interface from Wordle to make a quick buck.

"Prior to the publication of Mastermind in 1970, there existed Jotto, a two-player secret word game that debuted in 1954 and included some very familiar gameplay."

The issue is that despite all of Apple's statements about wanting control over the store to protect customers from scams, these morons were able to steal a dude's game with the same name.


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