How Do I Start A Blog Account? 5 Easy Steps

 You do not need to purchase a domain or hosting provider to establish a free website on blogspot.

Blogspot is a free website-building and-hosting platform owned by Google, so you don't have to worry about server downtime or other concerns. Furthermore, there are dozens of free blogger themes that you may utilize to give your website a professional appearance. Let's begin with a step-by-step tutorial for making a free website.

1. Sign up to blogger account

Sign in using your gmail id and password at; if you don't have an account, you may establish one for free by clicking the "sign up" button in the top right corner, as shown in the screenshot below.

2. Verify your information

After you've successfully logged in with your Gmail credentials, you'll get a screen similar to the one below. Select "Continue to Blogger" from the drop-down menu.

3. Create a new blog

You can start creating a website by clicking on the "New Blog" icon on the top left corner on your screen.

4. Enter the domain name and title of the website

You must specify the title and address of your website in this stage. For instance, if you wish to create a website about books, the address (also known as the domain name and the site's URL) may be or, with the headline Best IT Books Blog. You should be aware that because these domain names are free, they will automatically be suffixed with We'll explore how to add custom domain names later in this article. 

Blogspot also gives us the option of having custom domain names. Because the domain name must be unique, there's a potential that the one you want is already taken. In such scenario, you'll need to attempt a different domain name until the blue tick appears in the Address field's right side, as shown below.

After that, select a template (you can choose any template at this point; you'll be able to change it later, and we'll show you how to do so) and click Create Blog!

5 Start posting articles and publish

By following the steps up to step 4, you will have successfully created a free website. You may now start writing posts/articles by clicking the start blogging button. 

You can now start uploading articles on your new website now that you've successfully created a blog on blogspot. To publish the post, write the content, title it, and then hit Publish.


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