In a world of over 7
billion people with varying skills, special abilities and knowledge, no man or
woman can live in isolation. We certainly need one another for our needs to be
fully met. Interaction hence, plays a vital role in our day to day life. Therefore,
individuals are compelled to submit their instinctual, individualistic will and
take up the social will as dictated by culture through learning. It is often
argued that what defines our roles has little to do with biology, it is beyond
our genes and chromosomal features. The way we perceive ourselves and the
definition of the ‘self’ is not a personal thing just as your ability to read
is not instinctual.
process of child development is characterized by
imitation, taking up roles assigned to us based on gender, sex, colour etc, and
obeying the socially acceptable standards of behavior and punishment, for
deviating. We become religious not because we were born to be, our preferences
for the food we eat, the clothes we wear, political ideology, our definition of
acceptable ways of behavior and so on are defined by social dictates, which
invariably constrains the individual and relegates him/her. He/she is weakened
by the prevailing social order, hence, his/her self-identity is a reflection
of the prevailing social system.
Since the society
shapes most of the behavior of the individual, the self concept derives from
the internalization of what the society views as acceptable rather than
biological traits inherited through gene. The family institution has been at
the fore-front of administering the norms of the society on the child and it
evidently adds the social bias, stereotypes and selfish interests to her informal
curriculum in the socialization process.
Despite the fact that it plays a vital role in molding individual behavior, it
is far from perfect. The family identity is in fact the product of culture,
religion, system of governance and law. However, urbanization and globalization
gives alternative to individual perception of his/her ‘self’ in the society. It
won’t be long that the individual soon looses interest and seeks means of
escape from the ‘hostage’ of the society.
For the very fact that self
identity is constructed from what the social
world around us wants us to be, creates a burden, a strain on the personal
development and confusion. The social expectation that comes with the role of
women, a male child, attending school, or taking up a political position
creates a scene that is likened to actors on stage (Herbert Mead 1934).
Inability to meet up with these expectations often leads to depression, stress
and could be a cause for suicide. The individual is lost to the social will,
that he/she is overwhelmed. In
Durkheim’s study of Suicide for instance, he opined that the rate of
integration of the individual into the social conscience can be a cause for
suicide commitment.
There is the need
hence, to express the ‘self’ within a new sub-culture that diffuses the
tensions of belonging to hitherto prevailing and unattractive social system.
According to Robert K. Merton in his social action theory, he referred to this
stage in the re-definition of the self as the stage of rebellion- the
individual finds an alternative to the established social values and denounces
any such affinity to once held belief. While Merton’s assertion indicates the
tendency towards deviant behaviours or criminality, it fails to establish the
actualization of self identity
within the context of individual progress and social change.
‘Being yourself’ is not
necessarily a phrase that denounces social interactions, neither is it a call
to isolation or self love. Simply put, it implies that the individual is taking
up a new form of behavior, expressed in his/her attitude based on a new found
appeal. In as much as, it gives meaning to the individual in his/her pursuit of
peace and happiness. The pop
culture for instance, appeals to a demography which, seeks to express its
youthfulness by exhibiting their talents through music, arts, fads, fashion and
style. It makes use of slogans, gestures which is sometimes used for
identification, and they are held together by a common will to re-define their
values against the pre-existing ones. The mode of dressing is not formal; it
celebrates innovation by introducing new trends in fashion, style and craze. In
the pop culture, there are no formal
rules of entry and it is easier for the young ones to identify with. It has its
own ‘prophets’ and cult heroes, it is a world where celebrities rule. This is
where being famous is attributed to greatness.
Interestingly, self identity within the pop culture thrives
due to what is referred to as crowd psychology or the bandwagon effect. The realization is that individuals love to
attach themselves to a particular thing, event or object, or participate in
social gatherings, political movement and engage in behaviours that involves a
large number of people. We are simply
just lost in the crowd and the process of adaptation and assimilation is
surprisingly fast. The things we learned from the family and neighborhood are
discarded, and everyone is just in the world of his own. The internet through
the social media has further amplified our exposition to pop
culture because of the large presence of people connected to various
social networking sites. The internet provides us with an escape route from our
significant others with just a click on a mobile device. There is little to
what parents can do in dissuading their wards from forming a new identity
through this means. Its effects are just overwhelming.
Therefore, the understanding of who we are, our identity and
being ”being yourself” is a reflection of how we perceive ourselves within the
context of the environment we find ourselves. We construct goals that are in
relation to our skills and ability within a social context. Our race, colour,
physical attributes, gifts, or talents, gender, occupation, wealth, academic
brilliance can form the basis of self identity. However, the capacity for
making use of these attributes largely depends on the burden or freedom experienced.
For instance, in countries where women have no rights to take political offices
or in countries where the Caste System is being practiced, it may be extremely
hard for the individual to construct for him/herself a definition of self. In
other words, self identity in that
respect is social identity expressed in human conduct.
Is it a crime to ‘be
yourself’? Definitely not. In as much as the new roles we choose as against the
ones hitherto ascribed on us does not constitute nuisance to the society,
causes social disorder or anarchy, our self
identity is thus, a worthy one. Restraints by family values, religious
ordinances, government policies, ideologies and laws will determine how the
individual is able to express the ‘self’. In Western democracies, self identity
is based on choice as it is with the formation of attitude, although majority
of what individuals choose still largely depends on the value for individual
freedom, and racial groupings.
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