8 Tips That Will Help You Return Back to On-Site Job
As people return to on-site job , we recognize that life has changed since the pandemic. It may be our first close engagement with individuals outside of family and friends for some. Others may find the return to be more comfortable. Transitioning back to work, however, will almost certainly be an adjustment for all of us as we rebuild and rethink social conventions and work practices. Here are some pointers on how to handle your return to work. 1. Don't Overstretch Yourself It's normal to feel anxious when going through a transformation. We'll all react to returning to on-site work in different ways, so be patient and compassionate with yourself and your coworkers as you reconnect, relearn office routines, and manage the new realities of our job. 2. You may not be ready for everything and that's ok Are you ready for a hug or side talk? Would you prefer to be greeted with a pleasant wave instead? Maybe you're ready for a coffee date, and maybe you aren...