8 Tips That Will Help You Return Back to On-Site Job

As people return to on-site job, we recognize that life has changed since the pandemic. It may be our first close engagement with individuals outside of family and friends for some. Others may find the return to be more comfortable. 

Transitioning back to work, however, will almost certainly be an adjustment for all of us as we rebuild and rethink social conventions and work practices.

Here are some pointers on how to handle your return to work.

1. Don't Overstretch Yourself

It's normal to feel anxious when going through a transformation. We'll all react to returning to on-site work in different ways, so be patient and compassionate with yourself and your coworkers as you reconnect, relearn office routines, and manage the new realities of our job.

2. You may not be ready for everything and that's ok

Are you ready for a hug or side talk? Would you prefer to be greeted with a pleasant wave instead? Maybe you're ready for a coffee date, and maybe you aren't. It's critical that we communicate and respect each other's limits as we reconnect and rebuild our community.

3. Plan ahead to avoid conflicts and commotions 

Taking your lunch at home, preparing your work bag the night before, and planning when to take breaks are all small chores that can make your workday go more easily. When planning, don't forget to account for your commute and household chores. Make sure to discuss your timetable with your boss, and fine-tune it as you learn what works.

4. Be Focused, don't be a Jack

You've most likely missed the people around your community, your coworkers, your gym workouts, and possibly even your giant monitor. Take time each day to appreciate the people and resources that make your Stanford experience unique.

5. Learn from past experience

You've probably learned a lot about how to work most productively during the last year. Now is a wonderful time to put that knowledge to work so you can plan ahead and make the most of your time at work.

6. Create work-life balance

When you worked remotely, did the border between work and personal life meet? Examine your work-life balance and consider how you might re-establish limits.

7. Stay healthy mentally and physically

Now is a fantastic time to start practicing self-care if you haven't already. Stanford offers a number of self-care options to assist you navigate this change, whether you're anxious,need to adjust your health habits, or just want some support with your wellness.

8. Work at your own pace

It may depend on the work you do and the organization you work for, but it's worth considering if returning to the office five days a week is truly required right away. You may propose a schedule in which you come to the workplace a few of days a week or only come in for half days to begin with.

If you can ease back into the office, it can help with the anxiety that comes with a rapid change in surroundings.


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