

Child marriage is real and its consequences stare us in the face. its effects on the social well-being of the child, psychological and health cannot be over-emphasized. Where illiteracy and poverty abound, the effects become all consuming. My Sociological analysis is critical of religious dogma attached to some certain belief system and I promise to tackle the phenomenon without bias. I understand the emotional appeal which religion carries, I also understand the functions and its roles in bringing about stability and cohesion, psychological and moral function as well as its role in reconstructing social identity. I'm aware however, that religion has also been the bane of progress in many societies across the world stimulating conflict and resulting in loss of lives and properties. Adherents of religious belief attribute their actions as emanating from a divine authority and their behaviours are the manifestation of their moral duty to the divine. Sociologically speaking however...


The Genesis of this evil menace as observed stems from  the social accommodation of the 'corrupt' and the lost work ethics substituted by the culture of laziness and impunity. Class consciousness as thought of by Marx and Hegels will occur if and I stress again, if the unholy matrimony between the oppressors and the oppressed is broken. However, the divorcement of this alliance can be made possible by the existence of a common enemy(borrowing from the English law which seeks to protect landlords and house owners from surface water flow) either within or without. The common enemy theory I propose suggests that where there are no areas of common interest between the Oppressors and the Oppressed, when the strains in economic and socio-political system reaches an eclipse, when the remnants produced from the pockets of the ruling class no longer satisfies the cravings of the people, the masses' endurance to the polity is abandoned for a sporadic change. This common enemy within ...


Corruption is evident in these two category of persons; a worker whose attitude is in sharp contrast with the one who isn't working. The worker thinks before spending, he is aware of the rigorous nature of his work before earning his money and often wants to be economical as much as possible. He wants accountability for any dime spent and often hopes he could get a commodity for much lesser. He is smart, not lazy, for through his work shall he go begging. He is swift to react to losses, waistfulness and non-chalance. They say he's stingy but I call him cautious and prudent. He is not a spendthrift dishing out cash like ATM while others hail on - "long live the king". He has an alternative forgone and he is beset by numerous choices (oil, agriculture, manufacturing, services, technology etc). He has a strong bargaining power and he is responsible for his the choices he makes without seeking aid from outside. Unlike the worker, the lazy, opportunist dumb-head spend mo...

Fat women are still beautiful: but beware of obesity

Obesity is a disease that has been a worrying issue in the world today, more and more ladies particularly in the Western world today are conscious of the stigma that is attached to being overweight. Any perceived or actual increase in size is often seen as an anathema which is as a source of social disapproval. While some are naturally slim, others are plump as encoded in their genes. Social acceptance or disapproval of body structure emanates from the culture of the society and passed on from generation to generation. African men (not all) are particularly wary of slim women, whom they label as unfed, sick, bony and are symbolically compared to the letter 1, stick or a tiny broom. In sexual terms they tag them as not 'handy', shortchanged and deprived of the vital body structures to get them aroused. They are favourably inclined to fat women, they believe these women are the endowed. To be a plump woman means beauty to the African man. To him, she is handy, and fleshy to per...

Factors that aid terrorism 1 - The fallow ground theory

One factor that has aided Terrorism and terror groups all over the world is nature. nature though a gift to man, but if not utilized or under-utilized it becomes a tool in the hands of terror groups , an abode to unleash mayhem and source of life and comfort far away from government searchlight. A care ful study of the organization of terror groups around the world reveals that the guerilla warfare techniques which are carried out by insurgents is made possible and highly effective when there is a place of retreat, far away from civilizaions. By travelling 15 -25 km without sighting any settlement, meant that it would be possible for groups to make onslaught on communities who are mostly unaware of any suspicious gathering or where there is awareness no one knows what is really going on. Where insurgencies have thrived, Terror groups often find solace in nature either in bushes, forests, mountains, creeks, rivers and oceans, vast desert land.  From the Taliban and Isis in Afg...

Terrorism or Terrorism of insurgency- who is a Terrorist?

Since terrorism became a global issue early in the 21st century, many definitions had been given on the phenomenon including who a Terrorist is. The world no doubt has witnessed a rising wave of onslaught from those who claim to fight for emancipation, struggles against injustice, oppression and subordination. Others are poised to start religious cleansing by violently suppressing other forms of religion or perceived faulty social set-up, Often, many scholars have labelled all in the a fore-mentioned list as Terrorists and are labelled as such. of course, teachers with placards on the street, demanding better welfare package from the government would have easily been referred to as Terrorists if we were to label Terrorists as protesters or nationalists. Who is a Terrorist ? and what is Terrorism ?. We will be able to background our prejudice if we understand the nature of social problems. We understand that any action that alters social relationship and disturbs social order is a soc...

premarital sex; overcoming the relationship of sexual intercourse

"lets take our love to another level", "prove that you love me". these and such are notable statements from adventurous  men who wants to have sex with their girlfriend. Many ladies complain they never wanted their relationship to be driven by sex, but they often find themselves wrapped up under the overwhelming erotic drive of the man. a lady rightly affirms, "nothing pacifies him than seeing me moan in ecstasy",  a 19 year old undergraduate while lamenting on her relationship of sexual intercourse declares: "whenever we get to meet, sex is first on his mind, men are like animals".Despite the moral guideline of behaviour, as well as religious dictates, many relationships today are not free from premarital sex. How can young ones overcome premarital sex and relationships of sexual intercourse? Apparently, no one is at fault as both parties are well aware and conscious of their action and that it would have amounted to rape if one of the parties i...