premarital sex; overcoming the relationship of sexual intercourse

"lets take our love to another level", "prove that you love me". these and such are notable statements from adventurous  men who wants to have sex with their girlfriend. Many ladies complain they never wanted their relationship to be driven by sex, but they often find themselves wrapped up under the overwhelming erotic drive of the man. a lady rightly affirms, "nothing pacifies him than seeing me moan in ecstasy",  a 19 year old undergraduate while lamenting on her relationship of sexual intercourse declares: "whenever we get to meet, sex is first on his mind, men are like animals".Despite the moral guideline of behaviour, as well as religious dictates, many relationships today are not free from premarital sex. How can young ones overcome premarital sex and relationships of sexual intercourse? Apparently, no one is at fault as both parties are well aware and conscious of their action and that it would have amounted to rape if one of the parties is not aware of sexual act on his/her body. I discovered that 95% of ladies who were disvirgined before marriage were lured to the bed early in life because of their own naievity as demonstrated in their visiting of a lover's home. Some confess to me that the man was always the only one at home, hence I deduced that solitary environment for intending couples is a fertile tempting ground for sexual activities between a man and a woman. In this research, time of visitation is not a factor, as long as he is the only man in the room, a man will let loose on sighting the girl he claims to "love" or admire. Borrowing from the natural sciences, we discovered that the rate of attraction of a magnet to a metal is majorly due to the proximity of the object of attraction, the weakness of the metal, the heaviness of the magnet and given that there are no objects of obstruction. At first the ladies often do not feel like engaging in sex, but because they are already caged, they are pounced upon by the monster in the man and eaten raw. So, you need to stop visiting your lover's house alone if you must overcome premarital sex, meet in open places and together find other means of leisure by watching cinemas, visiting the zoo, stadiums and other places of funfair, inform your mentor, pastor, parent about your relationship and don't keep it secret. It will make those guys who are snakes to think twice and would save you from emotional wounds. From experience, premarital sex is not the test of love but reduces a woman's ego, self respect and apparently looses value "afterall she's no longer new to me, I'v seen all that has to be seen , what else?"
Imagine if all men and women were to be let loose, without any form of social control either secular or religious, what do you think the world will be?


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