
How ladies get laid through engagement rings

 E ngagement rings : Ladies love rings especially when its coming from a man. They love to flaunt it as a mark of their engagement , a symbol of acceptance and a seal to their commitment to a long relationship. They wave their hands at any slightest opportunity to say “hi” to a friend along the street at least they should know she’s engaged. The ring serves as a form of identity, a new status that her tender heart now belongs to a crush. That is the way we were made to believe and of course, that is what some young guys think of to get the attention and commitment of a lady either to get them to bed as quick as he can. You know that kind of drama that plays out at the center of a shopping mall in Wisconsin or on the street of New York where a guy gets down on his knees, while folks watch on with amazement and jealousy. He removes a box from his pocket and opens it while steering at his crush, and still in the sight of all, he holds the lady’s fingers, whispers some love tune...


“At risk” or out of school children; achieving SDGs There are quite a number of reasons why ‘at risk’ or out of school children are not in school. In developing countries, the phenomenon is so common that one would think being out of school is a norm. The dangers of being out of school cannot be over-emphasized. The question we must ask is, why are they out of school in the first place? 1 Broken Home: In case either parents are separated from each other. 2 Death of either parents 3 Polygamous family: A man with many wives and scores of children may find it difficult to meet the financial obligations of sending all the children to school. 4 Poverty level 5 Illiteracy 6 Government ineptitude 7 Pressure group These are some of the methods through which ‘at risk’ children can be brought back to the classrooms. NGOs and indeed countries seeking to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals should ensure that they carry along the peop...


HUSBAND SCARCITY ? WHY LADIES DON’T GET SUITABLE HUSBANDS Apparently, there are men and they are available in abundance. However, the husband scarcity phenomenon is becoming a matter of concern to families and especially the female folk who still view the family institution as essential to their existence and happiness. It is not that the ratio of men and women born are as wide as to lead to the non-availability of men. In many countries where the birth rate and their demographic were studied, it was discovered that 2% gap on the average exist among the two sexes. So why husband scarcity ? These are some of the reasons why husbands are scarce: 1.          The missing men: At some stage, it is discovered that young boys end up in prison, and may end up as drug addicts especially among black men in Europe and America. These could have been someone's husband. 2.          More men engage in military and...

Teenage pregnancy

                         CAUSES OF TEENAGE PREGNANCY It is estimated that more than 65% of girls experience sex during their teenage years and more than half become pregnant before the age of twenty. While teenage pregnancy is not particularly an issue of concern in the west due to access to information, health care policies, abortion laws, and the prevailing value system that seeks to protect the girl child, it is a worrisome issue in third world countries. Where the rate of poverty increases and there are no or sufficient health care policy, teenage pregnancy will continue to persist and cut short the dreams and aspirations of young ladies. Causes of Teenage Pregnancy 1.        Lack of information on sexuality 2.        Curiosity of teenagers especially during the period of adolescence 3....

What Selfies are doing to you

The social/psychology of selfies on social media There are quite a lot of reactions that occur in our mental process when we check others on social media posting their selfies . What is particularly wrong with selfies and why should researchers be worried on its consequences on the individual? These are some of the things it does to an individual either consciously or sub-consciously. Check them out if any of these has ever happened to you. 1.        The many ‘likes’ a friend receives after posting his/her pictures as against the very few ‘likes’ you received could make you think you are not as popular or not as beautiful – Low self-esteem. 2.        Depression 3.        Envy 4.        Jealousy 5.        Happiness and gratitude 6.        Shame/guilt Selfies mean different things to di...