“At risk” or out of school children; achieving SDGs
There are quite a number of reasons why ‘at risk’ or out of school children are not in school. In developing countries, the phenomenon is so common that one would think being out of school is a norm. The dangers of being out of school cannot be over-emphasized. The question we must ask is, why are they out of school in the first place?
1 Broken Home: In case either parents are separated from each other.
2 Death of either parents
3 Polygamous family: A man with many wives and scores of children may find it difficult to meet the financial obligations of sending all the
children to school.
4 Poverty level
5 Illiteracy
6 Government ineptitude
7 Pressure group
These are some of the methods through which ‘at risk’ children can be brought back to the classrooms. NGOs and indeed countries seeking to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals should ensure that they carry along the people and maintain respect for their cultures to achieve anything meaningful.
1 Meeting with community leaders
2 Meeting with the parents/guardians
3 Advocacy
4 Helping these children and their parents by identifying their need and providing necessary support.
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