In search of the Perfect Husband and wife: Can celebrities be our guide?
Perhaps, one of the reasons why many ladies remain single is their quest to find that perfect man. Unfortunately, Mr. and Mrs. ‘perfect’ only exist in the movies, probably Bollywood.
Nowadays, young boys and girls have a model of who they want to marry that they begin a weeding process by drawing out a list of character and attributes they desire. They rather remain single until the lady or man of their dreams emerge from jupiter.
Celebrities such as Usher Raymond, Justin Bieber, and Snoop dog would appeal to ladies who are so much attached to pop music and of course, their scintillating voices and dance steps. Taylor swift, Amber Rose, Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys, Rihanna and the evergreen Beyonce could be the perfect deal for young men. They’ve got amazing slim bodies that have been socially defined as beautiful, they also possess the glamor and style that satisfies our sexual cravings.
When the flashy lives of celebrities become a yardstick for picking a partner, we can be likened to social robots, who possess no mind of its own. Most Celebrity marriages don’t work, some for obvious reasons ranging from infidelity to alcohol, drug related issues, busy schedule, self-esteem issues or pscandal so on. When we observe them from outside, we are often tempted to equate them with gods, who are invincible and without blemish. You might actually think of referring them to Rome to be pronounced as Saints.
We often forget the fact that they are just like us, they think like us, eat like us and feel like us. Celebrities also cry. What we see from outside doesn’t represent perfection. If we must associate ourselves with their glory and fame, we must also be ready to absorb their scandal and shame. Ok and it’s not funny, you can also expect a war of words on Twitter to expose your secrets at any slightest provocation. Isn’t this our definition of perfection? Don’t get it twisted, perfect partners don’t exist, except NASA has gotten one for us in space and that’s going to be probably 5000 light years away. We only learn and adjust and if we can’t we remain single. The choice is yours.
Nowadays, young boys and girls have a model of who they want to marry that they begin a weeding process by drawing out a list of character and attributes they desire. They rather remain single until the lady or man of their dreams emerge from jupiter.
Celebrities such as Usher Raymond, Justin Bieber, and Snoop dog would appeal to ladies who are so much attached to pop music and of course, their scintillating voices and dance steps. Taylor swift, Amber Rose, Kim Kardashian, Alicia Keys, Rihanna and the evergreen Beyonce could be the perfect deal for young men. They’ve got amazing slim bodies that have been socially defined as beautiful, they also possess the glamor and style that satisfies our sexual cravings.
When the flashy lives of celebrities become a yardstick for picking a partner, we can be likened to social robots, who possess no mind of its own. Most Celebrity marriages don’t work, some for obvious reasons ranging from infidelity to alcohol, drug related issues, busy schedule, self-esteem issues or pscandal so on. When we observe them from outside, we are often tempted to equate them with gods, who are invincible and without blemish. You might actually think of referring them to Rome to be pronounced as Saints.
We often forget the fact that they are just like us, they think like us, eat like us and feel like us. Celebrities also cry. What we see from outside doesn’t represent perfection. If we must associate ourselves with their glory and fame, we must also be ready to absorb their scandal and shame. Ok and it’s not funny, you can also expect a war of words on Twitter to expose your secrets at any slightest provocation. Isn’t this our definition of perfection? Don’t get it twisted, perfect partners don’t exist, except NASA has gotten one for us in space and that’s going to be probably 5000 light years away. We only learn and adjust and if we can’t we remain single. The choice is yours.
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