Since Pre-historic times, climate has always changed and it will always change. Despite our scientific exploits which distinguishes us from animals (homosapiens), it is evident that there are indeed forces of nature which humanity will never be able to control.
 California wild fires, super storms, earthquakes, super volcanoes, Tsunamis, flashfloods, solar storm, heat waves, comet hitting our planet and other extreme weather are some of the demons to nature’s aesthetics and splendor and no multi-million dollar investment or mere reduction of green house emissions can stop. When nature is furious, it pays no attention to life, property and care less about our policies as it rages on. Change is inevitable and climate is not exempted. The denial of such, as to seek to stop the evolutionary cycle goes against the scientific spirit which agrees to the theory of evolution. Climate change is a critical factor in Darwinian tradition and Scientists should know better. Of what effect will the efforts of the White House in regulating factories in the U.S. on emissions have on the living conditions of the people in D.R. Congo? If China cuts emissions, it should do that to clear its skies and not to pretend as if acting on behalf of the human race.
However, in the political economy of social policies, it is generally believed that policy makers are more concerned about who gets what, when and how. To any social problem, there are those who gain. Money is spent on research, while political manoevering, lobbying and power struggles, foreign policy dynamics and international relations in terms of trade and balance of payment become issues of consideration. Sociologically speaking, Monday is Monday because the society regards it as Monday. We all are configured to believe it is the most important day of work. We are socialized to think that way and act based on social dictates which are nothing but hysteria and for the continued oppression of the poor by the wealthy. Studies have not been able to establish the fact that climate change policies are sufficient enough to stop a comet, or potent enough to cool the fury furnaces (volcanoes) of Yellow Stone or stop the next super storm in the East coast. We are indeed racing against time.  

If the U.N. policies on climate change focuses on such human activities that has serious implications on health, life and livelihood, economic sustainability through agriculture and poverty reduction, the effects of such policies will be measurable and impactful on the lives of people within a geographical location at a particular point in time. Such policies include afforestation, curbing indiscriminate lumbering, protection of waters against oil spillage and such other geographically peculiar problems affecting the eco-system.  For now, let the deception continue and if there are platforms for debate, I will gladly pursue this with a Sociological puritan zeal.


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