LET EUROPE CARRY HER CROSS!!!

No country can isolate itself from the actions and in-actions of others. There is no time for blame games as regards the consequences of Europe’s policies towards the invasion of Iraq, the ouster of Gaddafi in Lybia and its indifferent attitude to the Assad regime when it became obvious that he could no longer be in charge. Every foreign policy in modern times will always have a bounce back effect – either short-run or long-run consequences which works in two ways; 1. Destabilize the political, economic and social structure of the target nation by making use of disgruntled elements and power elites who wish to wrestle power and change the political order to satisfy their filthy lucre. They smuggle arms and insight violence and civil war breaks out. 2. Consolidate and strengthen a government that supports Western economic pursuits and overlooking away from their dictatorial excesses when it matters most.
We are in a connected world, when the Wall Street sneezes, Lagos shiver, where China’s economic policies sends fevers to America and Europe and where the price of crude oil shakes the foundations of developing economies. Wars and conflicts in other regions of the world are going to have greater impacts on several other countries and the rate of impact will be based on proximity of continents and trade relations. Unfortunately for Europe, America is far away from the troubles and of course, it has its own migrant issues affecting its polity.  The onus is on Europe to carry its cross. These are the future consequences:
1.      Changing demographics of Europe in decades to come
2.      The question of social loyalty and identification with host country on religion, constitution and how to identify religious extremists.
3.      The ultra-conservatives such as Andreas Brevick will take up arms as ethnic cleansing re-surfaces – (A new KKK in Europe).
4.      Economic stress                                                          

These consequences will have a long-lasting, complex, multiplier effect on Europe’s social structure. However, right now social wisdom suggests that refugees must be re-settled, bio-data obtained with various refugee commissions to provide policy framework for economic independence, social integration after-war packages for those who wish to return home in the nearest future. America's geographical location keeps her safe, at least for now, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries are afraid to take in migrants as they fear that terror groups might come in.  For now, Europe must carry her cross and God help her.


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