
Showing posts from October, 2015

STRESS MANAGEMENT - A social perspective for Retirees

STRESS MANAGEMENT AFTER RETIREMENT - Part of a lecture series for Retired Teachers in Nigeria. Lecture presented and delivered by Olumide Oyekunle ( Sociology) STRESS – WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT’S NOT •         Stress is not a biological condition, it is the consequence of our inability to adjust to the strains of life encountered in our day to day activities or inactivity. •        Men are more prone to having stress than women. •        Stress is a social fact. •        Stress is not a bad thing, it is normal and necessary for life. •        It is the response to social stimuli •        The maladjustment encountered in trying to cope with such circumstances causes distress. •       SOCIETY AND YOU •        Stress is i...


It is a question that not only portrays a downward trend in reading culture , but also reflects the consequences evidently sufficient enough for stakeholders to ponder on. It is believed that Teens, that is, those within the age bracket of 13-19 will become tomorrow’s adults and leaders who will be saddled with the responsibility of channeling the course of societies. Therefore, such category of persons must not be defective in knowledge and lacking the wisdom necessary for insightful thinking, critical understanding, knowledge acquisition and a robust mind which reading effectively provides. There is the need however, to distinguish between reading for knowledge acquisition and pleasure as against reading to pursue Academic goals only. It is in this context that we are able to fully comprehend the gravity of the question in its simple hypothetical form. To imply that there is poor reading culture , is to further broaden our perception on the change the society has undergone. The...


THE CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUE – A SOCIOLOGICAL CRITIQUE Since Pre-historic times, climate has always changed and it will always change. Despite our scientific exploits which distinguishes us from animals (homosapiens), it is evident that there are indeed forces of nature which humanity will never be able to control.  California wild fires, super storms, earthquakes, super volcanoes, Tsunamis, flashfloods, solar storm, heat waves, comet hitting our planet and other extreme weather are some of the demons to nature’s aesthetics and splendor and no multi-million dollar investment or mere reduction of green house emissions can stop. When nature is furious, it pays no attention to life, property and care less about our policies as it rages on. Change is inevitable and climate is not exempted. The denial of such, as to seek to stop the evolutionary cycle goes against the scientific spirit which agrees to the theory of evolution. Climate change is a critical factor in Darwinian traditi...