
Showing posts from August, 2017

How To Get Blood Donors From Minority Groups: An Outline For Policy Implementation

PROPOSED INITIATIVES FOR POLICY IMPLEMENTATION In order to stem the tide of blood donor apathy among Blacks and Asian communities in the UK, the NHSBT can employ the following initiatives for implementation. Some of these initiatives may have been adopted by some countries, however, the complexity of the socio/economic melieu calls for adjustments rather than 100% adoption. New initiatives are also listed here which can fast-track the success of BAME 2020 strategy and provide new models for implementing short-term, middle-term and long-term goals. Making use of online global community to communicate to a large and diverse audience simultaneously for orientation (email backlinks, the use of social networking sites, etc.) The interconnectedness of our world has not only become an avenue for social interactions, it has also presented us a medium for marketing and sales, orientation of the public on government policies, as well as, public sensitization and awareness. For instance, Face...

A Case For Blood Donation As Demand For Blood Rises

Walking across emergency units in hospitals and health centers across the UK, one would naturally be saddened at the desperation, hopelessness and  confusion resulting from the urgent demand for blood for transfusion in order to rescue a dying family member, colleague or friend. The blood is not just there, when they are there, it’s not enough to cater for the demand and sometimes, the ones in stock doesn’t match. The situation is pathetic and disheartening. About 3 million donations are required in the country annually, however, 5% of the population donate blood which is a far cry from the demand. The NHSBT estimate has revealed a steady decline in blood donation since the turn of the century. It also reveals the indifferent attitude of African and Asian communities towards blood donation. Before delving into the palpable causes of this apathetic attitude, two concepts will be examined in relation to the shortage of blood donors in the UK and indeed most European countries, Ca...

How To Survive Kidnappers' Den

No one prays to be kidnapped and neither is the experience of being forcefully taking by fierce looking, gun bearing men a delight. However, like the popular saying, “if wishes were horses, beggars would ride,” and given the high rate of kidnapping , which has become rampant and has puzzled security agencies in Nigeria , regardless of whether you’re rich or poor, it has become imperative for expatriates, missionaries, Nigerians outside the country, to be conscious of this phenomenon and understand how they can prevent it in the first instance – prevention is better than cure.  In the event that it occurs, there are helpful tips to overcome the unpleasant ordeal in the kidnappers’ den to avoid injuries or death. Interestingly, the motives of kidnapping groups differ, while one seek financial gains through ransom, the other is extremely dangerous and difficult to survive as it is mainly for ritual purposes. The focus herein, is on the rather lucrative aspect of kidnapping for ...