
Showing posts from March, 2017


The prevalence of suicide in Nigeria and the forms it takes call for a more scientific evaluation of the motives especially at a time of economic uncertainty. Many have attributed the rise of suicide to depression and lack of support for those who need psychological help. However, taking a clue from a man credited to have taken the most succinct scientific approach to the study of suicide, Durkheim (1858-1920). According to him, the rate of Suicide is consequent upon the level of Social Integration. The more socially integrated a person is, that is, how he/she makes meaning of life within a social context, the less likely he is to committing suicide.  On the other hand, the less socially integrated an individual is, the more likely he is to commit suicide. Here are some of Durhheim’s findings in early 20 th century Europe; 1.        When comparing Protestants and Catholics, he discovered that the Suicide rate among Catholics were not common as...

A new approach to the understanding of Suicide

The Nigerian Experience: Suicide commitment in Nigeria is reaching a frightening dimension, a state of emergency and shocking, to say the least, considering the fact that Nigerians are known to value their own lives regardless of his/her situation. Perhaps, maybe the socio/economic situations weren’t as bad as it is at present. Before delving deep into the prevalence of suicide in Nigeria , it is important for us to understand the concept in its totality rather than the subjective definition based on what we see happening around us. A new approach to understanding the concept of Suicide Suicide is not just about an instance of killing oneself intentionally as described by most clinical definitions. In today’s world, especially in Nigeria I have observed a trend and a catastrophic one for that matter, which makes me rethink the definition of suicide . Consider a woman for instance, who is married to a man who abuses her and often causes physical injury on her body, yet she sti...